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15 Best Courses To Study In Nigeria For Easy Employment (2024)

Some of the best courses to study in Nigeria for easy employment include; Agriculture…



Best Courses To Study In Nigeria For Easy Employment
Best Courses To Study In Nigeria For Easy Employment

Some of the best courses to study in Nigeria for easy employment include; Agriculture, Medicine and Surgery, Engineering, Accounting, and Computer Science.

Navigating the Nigerian job market is like playing a high-stake game of chess. You’ve got to think several moves ahead, anticipate changes, and adapt swiftly; after doing all that, you might still not succeed.

That’s why picking the right course of study isn’t just about following your passion or toeing the family line—it’s about making strategic moves that set you up for success in a landscape where nepotism and a limited number of jobs already work against you.

In Nigeria, where the job market can be unforgiving, equipping yourself with the right education is akin to arming yourself for battle. But fear not—we’ve got you covered. This blog post is all about shedding light on the 15 best courses to study in Nigeria if you want to survive and thrive in this horrid job market.


We’re talking about marketable courses that employers are practically scrambling over each other to hire graduates from. From the tech-savvy realms of Computer Science to the life-saving disciplines of Medicine and Surgery and the ever-evolving field of Engineering, these courses are your best bet for a bright future.

Let’s begin this journey to making informed decisions that will set you up for a lifetime of success.

The 15 Best Courses to Study in Nigeria

Here is the list of the 15 best courses to study in the Nigerian university space, their prospects after graduation, and exactly what makes them so marketable. 

By the end of this list, you will have a good idea of what you stand to gain if you do eventually choose a course on this list.


1. Agriculture

Best Courses To Study In Nigeria

When most people think of Agriculture in Nigeria, images of rural farmers toiling away from dawn till dusk might come to mind. But let’s flip the script. Today, agriculture is about innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. 

It’s a vast field that stretches far beyond traditional farming, touching on agribusiness, agritech, and even agricultural policy.

In Nigeria, Agriculture is not just a course; it’s a pivotal sector of the economy with the potential to drive significant growth and development. 

With over 70% of Nigerians involved in agriculture, the industry is ripe for innovation and technology infusion. 

Agribusiness is a big deal, focusing on producing, processing, and distributing agricultural products. Students diving into this field will learn about crop and animal production, agricultural economics, and sustainable farming practices.


The cool part? You’re not stuck in one lane. There’s room for entrepreneurship, with opportunities to start your own agro-processing company, delve into the export market with cash crops, or even innovate with agritech solutions to improve farm yields. 

The government is pushing for diversification of the economy away from oil, and agriculture is a key player in this strategy. This focus offers graduates a broad spectrum of opportunities, from policy-making to hands-on farming and technological innovation. Plus, with the global push towards sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices, skills in this area are not just marketable locally but internationally.

I am an agricultural student, and I can boldly say that it’s one of the best courses to study in Nigeria—no kidding.

2. Computer Science

Computer Science students

This course is like holding a golden ticket in today’s digital age. Nigeria’s tech scene is booming, with Lagos often dubbed the “Silicon Valley of Africa.” Here’s where the magic happens: software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, and more.

What makes Computer Science especially appealing is its versatility. You’re not just learning to code; you’re learning to solve complex problems, create innovative solutions, and adapt to rapidly changing technology. 


The demand for tech skills is skyrocketing, not just in tech companies but across all sectors. Financial services, telecommunications, health care—you name it, they need computer science experts.

The entrepreneurial spirit runs strong in Nigeria’s tech ecosystem, offering a conducive startup environment. 

With initiatives like the government’s support for technology and innovation through grants and incubation programs, the landscape is rich with opportunities for budding technopreneurs. 

Whether you dream of developing the next big app, enhancing cybersecurity for businesses, or driving digital transformation, a background in Computer Science is your springboard, which obviously makes it one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.


3. Medicine and Surgery

Medicine and Surgery students

Medicine and Surgery is a noble path, deeply respected across Nigeria, a little too much if you ask me. It’s more than a career; it’s a calling to save lives and improve healthcare in a country where the healthcare system faces numerous challenges. 

This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. But it’s the impact you can make in people’s lives that truly defines this profession.

The journey is long and demanding, but the rewards are immense. Nigeria has a dire need for medical professionals, with a low doctor-to-patient ratio. Specializing further can open doors to areas where there’s even greater demand, such as Cardiology, Pediatrics, or Obstetrics

Beyond the personal fulfillment of helping others, the profession offers stability, respect, and the opportunity for continuous learning and growth.

Moreover, with the global health landscape ever-evolving, particularly in the wake of pandemics like COVID-19, the importance of medical professionals has never been under-estimated. 


Opportunities for research, public health policy, and international collaboration abound, offering multiple pathways for those passionate about making a difference in healthcare. Plus, for those inclined towards private practice, Nigeria offers a vast market to serve, not just in urban centers but also in underserved rural areas where healthcare is most needed. 

The world will always need doctors and healthcare professionals, which makes medicine one of the best courses to study in thNigeria.

4. Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical)

Engineering students

When you hear “Engineering” in Nigeria, think of it as the architects of our physical world. Nigeria’s push towards infrastructural development, from bridges to buildings and beyond, calls for engineers in every corner. 

Whether you’re dreaming of constructing towering skyscrapers, designing the next generation of automobiles, electrifying remote villages, or developing processes for refining petroleum, engineering is your playground.

Civil Engineering will have you at the forefront of building the nation literally. With ongoing and upcoming infrastructural projects, your skills will directly contribute to shaping Nigeria’s landscape. 


Electrical and Mechanical Engineering? You’re looking at powering industries, homes, and innovations. As for Chemical Engineering, with Nigeria’s wealth in oil and gas plus a growing interest in sustainable and alternative energies, your expertise will be in hot demand.

The beauty of Engineering in Nigeria is the tangible impact. You see the results of your work in the improved lives of Nigerians. Plus, with the growing emphasis on technology and innovation, engineers are also venturing into tech startups, bringing engineering solutions to everyday problems. It’s not just about building and designing; it’s about innovating for Nigeria’s future.

5. Pharmacy

Pharmacy goes beyond dispensing drugs; it’s about being a cornerstone of healthcare. In Nigeria, where healthcare access and drug quality can be major issues, pharmacists play a crucial role. 

This course prepares you to understand medications, their impact on the human body, and the science behind drug development. However, the direct interaction with patients and the provision of vital health advice and support make pharmacy deeply rewarding.


With a Pharmacy degree, opportunities abound in community pharmacies, hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, and research institutions. Nigeria’s pharmaceutical sector is booming, with local production on the rise and an increasing focus on research and development of new drugs. 

Pharmacists are in demand not just in traditional roles but also in areas like regulatory affairs, quality control, and clinical trials.

It’s a career that offers both community impact and the potential for innovation in healthcare and is definitely one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

6. Law

Law students

In Nigeria, Law is more than just wearing wigs and gowns and acting high and mighty (funny, isn’t it?); it’s about being an agent of change. 

With the complexities of Nigerian society, law professionals are crucial in navigating legal challenges, advocating for justice, and shaping policies. 


Whether you’re passionate about human rights, corporate law, environmental law, or intellectual property, law has vast opportunities.

Studying Law in Nigeria equips you with the skills to understand and apply the law and influence it. 

Lawyers here have a unique role in society, often at the forefront of advocating for change, protecting the rights of the underprivileged, and contributing to the country’s development. 

With Nigeria’s dynamic and evolving legal system, law professionals are in constant demand, offering a career that is both intellectually challenging and socially impactful.


Moreover, the versatility of a law degree cannot be overstated. Beyond the courtroom, law graduates find opportunities in governance, business, international relations, and academia. 

The skills you acquire—critical thinking, negotiation, and effective communication—are assets in virtually any field. It’s a career path that offers diversity, prestige, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact on society. It is definitely one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

7. Accounting and Finance

In the heartbeat of Nigeria’s bustling economy, Accounting and Finance are the lifeblood. This isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about being the financial wizards behind the scenes, guiding businesses, and even governments, towards fiscal health and prosperity. 

As Nigeria strides towards economic diversification and financial inclusion, experts in this field are more crucial than ever.


Studying Accounting and Finance in Nigeria prepares you for a world of opportunities. From becoming a chartered accountant to navigating the complex world of corporate finance, your skills will be in high demand. 

You could be the next big thing in financial analysis, helping businesses to stay afloat and thrive, or you could venture into the banking sector, where your expertise will contribute to economic stability and growth.

The beauty of this field lies in its versatility. Whether working in a multinational corporation, a local startup, or the public sector, your ability to manage finances effectively is invaluable. 

Also, with the rise of fintech in Nigeria, there’s a growing demand for professionals who can blend financial savvy with technological know-how. It’s not just a job; it’s about shaping the future of Nigeria’s economy.


Beyond traditional roles, a brilliant position as a data analyst awaits. I know a few friends who toed down that path, and they can tell you for free that accounting is one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

8. Petroleum Engineering

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Petroleum Engineering in Nigeria is like holding a key to one of the country’s most precious resources: Oil. Despite the global shift towards renewable energy, oil and gas remain central to Nigeria’s economy, making this course definitely one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

As a Petroleum Engineer in Nigeria, you’ll be at the forefront of exploring, extracting, and managing oil and gas resources. The industry’s dynamic nature means you’ll face challenges ranging from technological advancements to environmental concerns. 

The rewards are significant, with opportunities to work in some of the world’s leading oil companies, both onshore and offshore.

This field is not just lucrative; it’s pivotal to Nigeria’s development. Petroleum Engineers play a crucial role in ensuring the sustainable exploitation of oil resources, contributing to the nation’s wealth and stability. It’s a career that offers adventure, challenges, and the chance to significantly impact Nigeria’s economic landscape.


9. Information Technology (IT)

In a world where digital is the new normal, Information Technology is the pulse of innovation. In Nigeria, the IT boom is transforming everything from commerce and healthcare to education and entertainment. 

IT isn’t just about fixing computers or coding in solitude; it’s about being part of a digital revolution that’s connecting people, empowering businesses, and solving real-world problems.

With a degree in IT, the digital landscape is your playground. The demand for IT professionals in Nigeria is soaring, with opportunities in software development, network security, data management, etc. You could be developing the next hit app, protecting businesses from cyber threats, or using data analytics to drive decision-making, making it one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

What makes IT particularly exciting in Nigeria is the startup culture. Lagos, Abuja, and other cities are buzzing with innovative startups, and there’s a real sense of community and opportunity for those with the skills and ambition to make a difference. 


Whether you’re dreaming of starting your own tech company or joining an established tech giant, a background in IT opens doors to endless possibilities.

15. Architecture

Architecture student

Think of Architecture as the art and science of shaping Nigeria’s skyline and living spaces. It’s more than just drawing building plans; it’s about creating sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing environments where people live, work, and play. 

In a country experiencing rapid urbanization, architects have the unique opportunity to influence the future of cities and communities.

Studying Architecture in Nigeria equips you with the skills to design buildings that reflect Nigeria’s cultural diversity while addressing the challenges of modern living. 

You’ll learn about sustainable design, urban planning, and innovative materials and technologies. The field is ripe with opportunities, from designing residential homes to commercial buildings, public spaces, and even entire urban areas. It is one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.


The beauty of Architecture is its blend of creativity and practicality. Your work has the power to inspire and impact people’s daily lives, and to me, it is one of the best courses to study in Nigeria. 

With Nigeria’s ongoing development, architects are in high demand, offering a fulfilling career that combines artistic vision with the satisfaction of seeing your designs come to life.

11. Nursing

Nursing students

Nursing is the heartbeat of healthcare in Nigeria and definitely one of the best courses to study in Nigeria. It’s a profession that embodies care, compassion, and commitment to improving health outcomes. 

In a country with a pressing need for healthcare services, nurses play a crucial role in patient care, health promotion, and disease prevention. Studying Nursing in Nigeria opens doors to a world of opportunities, making a tangible difference in people’s lives every day.

Nurses in Nigeria work across various settings, from hospitals and clinics to community health centers and beyond. The profession offers diverse pathways, including specialties like pediatric nursing, surgical nursing, and public health nursing. 


Beyond bedside care, nurses have opportunities in education, research, and health policy, contributing to the advancement of healthcare in Nigeria.

The demand for skilled nurses is high in Nigeria and globally, offering the potential for international careers. Nursing is a profession of lifelong learning and growth, with the reward of knowing you’re making a real difference in the health and well-being of your community.

12. Marketing

Studying Marketing in Nigeria provides you with a toolkit of skills, from market research and digital marketing to brand management and consumer behavior. You’ll learn how to craft compelling messages, leverage social media, and analyze market trends to create effective marketing campaigns. 

The field is dynamic, offering opportunities in various sectors, including FMCG, telecommunications, tech, and more.


Marketing is not just about selling; it’s about storytelling, creating experiences, and building relationships. Whether you’re working for a multinational corporation, a local startup, or running your own marketing agency, your ability to navigate the complexities of the Nigerian market can make or break a brand. 

It’s a career that challenges you to stay on the cutting edge, constantly innovating to capture the hearts and minds of consumers.

13. Mass Communication

Mass Communication is not just about broadcasting news; it’s about shaping narratives, influencing public opinion, and connecting the vast and varied communities of this great nation. 

With the explosion of digital media, the role of mass communicators has never been more critical or exciting.


Studying Mass Communication in Nigeria equips you with a versatile skill set, including journalism, public relations, advertising, and digital media management making it one of the best courses to study in Nigeria. 

You learn to craft compelling stories, navigate the complex media landscape, and engage with audiences across multiple platforms. 

Whether you’re reporting on Lagos’s bustling streets, running a leading brand’s social media campaign, or crafting public policy communications, your work influences how people think, feel, and act.

The digital revolution has transformed the media landscape, opening up new channels and platforms for storytelling and engagement. 


From traditional print and broadcast media to the dynamic world of social media and online content, the opportunities for mass communication graduates are vast and varied. This career path offers not just job opportunities but the chance to make a real difference in society.

14. Environmental Science

Studying Environmental Science in Nigeria offers a deep dive into the complexities of environmental issues and their solutions. You’ll explore subjects like conservation biology, environmental policy, and sustainable development, gaining the knowledge and skills to make a difference. 

Whether you’re researching the impact of oil exploration in the Niger Delta, developing sustainable agricultural practices, or advocating for climate action, your work contributes to a healthier, more sustainable Nigeria.

The field offers diverse career paths, from research and conservation to environmental consultancy and policy making. 


With the global push towards sustainability, there’s a growing demand for professionals who can guide businesses, communities, and governments toward environmentally friendly practices. 

This career not only offers personal fulfillment but also the opportunity to play a part in securing a sustainable future for Nigeria and the world, and it is one of the best courses to study in Nigeria.

15. Education

Education is the bedrock of Nigeria’s future, a field that holds the power to transform lives and communities. Teaching goes beyond the classroom; it’s about inspiring minds, nurturing talents, and empowering the next generation of Nigerians to achieve their dreams. 

Educators are invaluable in a country with a young population and a pressing need for quality education.


Studying Education in Nigeria prepares you to profoundly impact the educational landscape. You’ll learn pedagogy, curriculum development, and educational psychology, equipping you with the tools to engage and inspire learners. 

Whether you’re teaching in a bustling city school, developing educational content, or working on policy reform, your influence extends far beyond the walls of any classroom.

Education offers diverse opportunities, from early childhood and special needs education to educational technology and leadership. With the ongoing digital transformation, there’s a growing demand for educators who can leverage technology to enhance learning.

Thanks for reading through the article on the 15 best courses to study in Nigeria, I hope you enjoyed reading the article. I hope by now, you have a better understanding of the prospects and marketability of the courses on this list.


If you want more articles like this, please check out our website.

Watch: Best Courses to study in Nigeria


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