One of the drastic actions embarked upon by Tinubu on assumption of office was unifying the exchange rate...
CBN introduced the redesigned N200, N500 and N1.000 denominations in October 2022...
This means that these banknotes will continue to be accepted as legal tender in Nigeria indefinitely...
The Nigerian naira has been holding its ground against the US dollar in the black market...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has in a recent announcement clarified that the old 200, 500, and 1000 naira notes...
The current US Dollar to Nigeria Naira Exchange Rate for today Thursday, October 19, 2023...
The Federal government has extended the recently approved N25,000 conditional cash transfer program...
The current US Dollar to Nigeria Naira Exchange Rate for today Thursday, October 19, 2023...
Nigeria’s naira has fallen to an all-time low as it exchanged at N1,100 per dollar on the black market.
The current US Dollar to Nigeria Naira Exchange Rate for today Tuesday, September 26, 2023...